
Women who inspire us: Emanuelle Vos

Last month we had the chance to sit, chat and get to know Emanuelle Vos. We spoke with her about her love for music, her spiritual lifestyle and her life as a mom.
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What does your perfect morning looks like?

I would roll out of bed and go straight to the sea at a tropical place. But hey, that’s not the reality in Amsterdam. So.. Here I wake up after a good night of sleep. Then I start my yoga practice and afterwards I’m having a nourishing breakfast with my family - doors wide open to our terrace and good music playing at the background.

Can you tell us more about what you are doing in life?

I am a DJ and a herbalist in trainee. With my work as a DJ I play at club evenings and events, but I also accompany spiritual dance sessions which I call‘’Intuitive Dancing’’. Besides that, I give workshops about the functioning of medicinal herbs and plantbased food. At the moment I am working on an online platform to inspire people to reconnect to nature and our true nature.

There is another big personal project which I work on with my whole heart and soul but I can tell you more about that soon! Follow me on Instagram @emanuellevos to keep updated. Through my social media I share about pure, conscious living, plantbased food, much colors and glory. Oh, and I make jewelry to put women in their power and share the beauty of nature. It’s called Solid Magic @solid.magic.


How would you describe yourself in one phrase?

An enthusiastic and caring artist, who loves to celebrate in the biggest sense of the word.

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What is something on your wishlist?

Self-sufficient living and singing on my own track.

What does music means to you?

Music for me is joy, relaxation, connection, a medicine, consolation. Kind of a gateway for a new ground. It has everything, there are so many different styles of music. In the essence we are all energy; a vibrance and you can convert that vibrance in sounds. In that way we are all music ourselves.

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What makes you happy?

Dancing, nature, cooking, eating, spending time with my family and friends, new surroundings and meeting new people, vintage and lots of jewelry.

How would you describe your style?

Truly Emanuelle. Feminine, distinct and full of colours.

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What are you most proud of?

My sweet daughter Zya of course!

How did you experience your pregnancy?

It was wonderful! It’s the growth of a human-being inside of you. Feeling your baby and talking to her - wow! Magic! Embracing my physical female body without any judgement or wrong beauty ideal was an important step in my life. Just before my pregnancy I got more insight of the fact that there was something passively hidden behind good patterns of healthy food, from my childhood. In my opinion it wasn’t an active subject anymore, but there was still something that wasn't totally right - a control thing. Something that I clearly didn’t want to pass on to my daughter. I think that this insight caused that my body was ready to be pregnant. I agreed with myself that I wanted to empty my ‘’emotional backpack’’ before I could give birth to another. It’s so important to teach your children to feel good in their own skin and that it has nothing to do with the world around you. I felt strong and beautiful during my pregnancy. Sometimes a little nauseous or tired, but that's all part of it. Your body is working so hard to let that little baby grow, and I am still proud of that.

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Have you changed after you became a mother?

I am more conscious of my acquired fears. I became a much more fearless person because of this process of awareness. I try to face my fears, to prevent passing it on to Zya unconsciously. Nowadays it’s easier to trust life.

What do you want to teach your kid(s)?

Oh that’s a lot! Succinctly: Be kind. Be kind and care for the environment in which you grow up, the nature, the people and the animals. Be kind to yourself. Be thankful for what you have. Discover your creativity, make choices from the soul, dare to make mistakes and most of all: enjoy life.


How would you describe yourself as a mother?

Present, sometimes not. Patient, sometimes not. Strict, sometimes yes, usually not. Abundant in love.

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I want to teach daughter to be kind to herself. Be kind and care for the environment in which you grow up, the nature, the people and the animals. Be thankful for what you have. Discover your creativity, make choices from the soul, dare to make mistakes and most of all: enjoy life.
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Does she looks more like you or more like her father?

In the way she looks more like her father: bright eyes, blonde hair. But she is also much like me as a baby. Just as social as me. Just as in technical as her father. Just as intelligent and adventurous as herself.

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Are there differences between you and her father in the way you raise Zya?

As parents we both feel the same way about how to raise Zya. We know what we want to teach Zya when she grows up and we both look at this world with the same eye. For example: the right attention for the child, spending time in nature, spirituality and meditation, trial and error, plantbased food, alternative healing methods, honesty, harmony and flexibility are themes which we both think are important. I don’t think I could have got pregnant with someone who would stand far away from my way of thinking and my lifestyle. Communication can be challenging in a relationship, but in our case that’s more when it gets to personal needs than about Zya’s nurture.

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Who is your biggest example? And where do you get your inspiration from?

My pure inspiration comes from above, from inside. Not one specific person. I get more inspiration out of a spiritual message, which I have to bring into reality. Sounds a little abstract but I always try to walk my own path and to listen to my inner voice. Of course there are always people, friends, family and circumstances that motivates me or show me whether I am on the right path. Nature, music and art are great sources and especially the sun that comes up every day, shares light and never doubts.

Can you mention three annoying things?

1. The same spoon or the same knife in different jars, double dip. I think it’s the worst.

2. Dirt of other people in public spaces.

3. Leaving home without a eyebrow brush.

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What are your favorite spots in Amsterdam?

To be at: my home and on the street. Especially the Noordermarkt on Saturdays.

To eat: Spirit, Yerba, Bak and Restaurant As

For vintage: Vijzel Vintage

For rest and liveliness: De Hortus, Het Oosterpark

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I leave this one to life.

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Can you share some of your favourite songs with us?

Jungle - Drops

Majid Jordan - Take Control

Klyne - Your Touch

Jimmy Edgar - Hush

Rimer London - L’eau

in the chill category <3

Photo's by: Tessa Letort