Let's get organized with Style Story

We had a little chat with organizing sensei Miriam Bakker, the woman behind Style Story Organizing. Find out what magic the Marie Kondo method could bring to your life.

What is Style Story and who is the woman behind it?

Can you tell us how it all started?

'An organized home will give you more time, more energy, more freedom to do what you love to do the most'

How did you experience organizing your own home?


What is your workflow?

'When you can't let your stuff go, your stuff won't let you move forward'. - Peter Walsh

Could you explain the importance of an organized home?


What do you like most about your work?

And what annoys you sometimes?

What’s your mission in life?

Do you have any tips on organization in our homes/ bedroom?

If you could re-organise any persons home, who’s would it be?