
Get to know Lara Ourtane, founder of Crisp Sheets

Get to know Crisp Sheets founder Lara Ourtane. Find out more about how she keeps her balance between running a company and being a mom.
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Who is Lara Ourtane?

I am the founder of Crisp Sheets, 38 years old, daughter of Nellie and Charles, mother of Malik and Maceo, wife of Chakir, dog mom of Gaspar, sister of Manon and Charlie, auntie of Maxim and Robin and living in Amstelveen.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

School and studies turned out to be not for me. I tried several studies and didn’t properly finish any. At my last employer I had worked my way up by hard work and heart for the company. My last job was at Denham the Jeanmaker as visual coordinator. I’ve learned a lot from a great team and developed what I am good in; visualizing and branding.

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How is life as a mother in combination with running your own company?

BUSY haha. Finding balance can be a little tough for me. As my kids are still young I don’t want to work full time. I am really happy that I have the luxury to have that choice. I have 3 full days per week to spend at the office. My office days for me are sacred and I have to make sure I plan and work efficiently at those days. For the rest of the days I check my mails in the evenings and during nap times of Maceo and Malik.

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How did you build your own company Crisp Sheets and found the balance in parenthood at the same time?

I started Crisp Sheets about five years ago and it all grew quite natural. The good thing about running my own business is that I am flexible with workdays. The ‘bad’ thing is that work never stops. But the only times that really bothered me was when I did not enjoy a real maternity leave in both pregnancies. The last 3 years have been hectic; having 2 babies, Chakir losing his dad, moving homes, getting married and running Crisp Sheets. Looking back to it; it’s been a real rollercoaster and sometimes it still is. But most of it in a good way.

How did you met your husband, and was it love at first sight?

Chakir and I met eachother on Queen’s day in 2010. It was at Brandstof and we were both with a group of friends. His sister asked me to join them to a party at Bitterzoet. So I tagged along and had a great night with them. I had real nice conversations with Chakir and I thought to myself ‘ I like him, when is he going to ask for my number?? ‘ Hahah he did not that night and I added him on Facebook the next day. He invited me to a party a few weeks later and from then on we dated and fell in love.

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Can you tell us a little bit about your wedding?

We wanted an intimate wedding with only close friends and family. I was 7 months pregnant at the time so that made it extra special in a way. We had a ceremony in one of the glass houses of the Hortus Botanicus. Chakir’s best man had prepared a beautiful speech and hosted the ceremony. Afterwards we had dinner in our favourite Italian restaurant Ciro and there were so many heartwarming speeches by our loved ones. We felt really loved and for me it was the best day ever. Another nice detail is that the Hortus is actually across from our office so always good memories when I stare out of the window.

Can you tell us about your children and their personalities?

Maceo is our oldest son; 2,5 years old. He’s very passionate and can be all over the place. He’s always looking for fun and a little bit of trouble. But can be very focussed as well. There isn’t 1 day that he did not make me laugh out loud. He can say the silliest and most heartwarming things.

Malik has just turned one and he is super sweet and easygoing. He can play by himself but he likes to chase his older brother too. (Sometimes with much resistance from Maceo) He is a daredevil and wants to climb e-ve-ry-thing, he’s quite inventive in things to climb. If I wink he’s already on the table if he gets the chance.

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What’s your favourite memory with your family?

Tough one. I think the last visit to Morocco, Casablanca. We introduced Malik to his great grandmother, aunts and uncles. Maceo had a great time spending time with his big cousin. He still talks about him. Those trips to Casablanca are all about family and quality time; nothing less and nothing more. The 4 of us slept in 1 room for a week; quite chaotic with 2 little kids but also very cosy.

Which part of the day is your favourite and why?

Every part when there’s food on the table :) and after a busy day with the boys, the part where they are peacefully asleep and I can kick my feet up.

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Has being a mother changed you? And if yes; can you tell us how?

Yes, a lot. I can now find big joy in the simple things of life. And being a mother never stops, I am even with my kids when I am physically not.

You have 2 kids now; are you planning to have more?

I’ve learned that there is no real planning in having kids, so no plans.. I think we’re complete, but never say never.

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What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mother?

Not being able to control everything and to sometimes let go and to be ok with that.

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Best thing (s) about being a mother?

Seeing my kids grow up and becoming little persons with their own personalities. Plus they make me notice pretty details; like Maceo stopping and staring, talking at the bees in the bushes for minutes. Without him I would just walk by and not notice them.

Are you and your husband different in parenting?

Not really in the basics. But we both have our own role as parent. Chakir is a little bit more laidback than me.

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What is the most important lesson you want to teach your children?

To chase their dreams and to respect nature, other humans and animals.

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Do you have any advice/tips you would like to give to a newborn mother?

Accept support and help of your loved ones during that first intense period of becoming a parent.

Cherish the time your baby can still sleep on your chest. The first months Malik would not sleep in his own bed, but only on my chest. I slept sitting up and 1 eye open for months because I was so afraid to suffocate him while I was sleeping. My back was so stiff and achey, but now I miss those nights with him soooo much.

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My kids make me notice pretty details; like Maceo stopping and staring, talking at the bees in the bushes for minutes. Without him I would just walk by and not notice them. Sometimes it’s just nice to stop and actually see the beauty in small things.
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What are your struggles of being a mother?

Not a real struggle, but more a little longing every now and then. Nowadays I am often so tired, 23.00 is late for me. I used to be an evening type of person. Sometimes I miss staying up late; with my friends having drinks, dancing and then being hungover the next day and stay in bed all day. I actually did this a few weeks ago and it was so good and fun. The day after we planned a week in Croatia for next year. Tickets are booked and I can’t wait to have some real quality time with my friends.

What defines you as a person?

I am a do-er more than a thinker, it takes time to know me, can be a blabber mouth, loves good food, loyal, hard worker, unsubtle, dry humoured, laughs at own jokes, generous, impatient.

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How do you find your me-time and how do you spend these hours/days?

Me-time is taking a long hot bath with a cup of tea and an e-reader or playing my favourite tunes very loud while I am driving. Last August I had 5 days of me time in NY and it was so nice to just be by myself and doing whatever I felt like.

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Can you name four things that inspire you?

Nature, Museums, People that put heart and soul in good cause, travelling.