Motherhood Series: Introducing Lara; founder of Crisp Sheets

Get to know Crisp Sheets founder Lara. Find out more about how she keeps her balance between running a company and being a mom.

Who is Lara Ourtane?

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

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How is life as a mother in combination with running your own company?

How did you build your own company Crisp Sheets and found the balance in parenthood at the same time?

How did you met your husband, and was it love at first sight?

Can you tell us a little bit about your wedding?

Can you tell us about your children and their personalities?

What’s your favourite memory with your family?

Which part of the day is your favourite and why?

Has being a mother changed you? And if yes; can you tell us how?

You have 2 kids now; are you planning to have more?

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What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mother?

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Best thing (s) about being a mother?

Are you and your husband different in parenting?

What is the most important lesson you want to teach your children?

Do you have any advice/tips you would like to give to a newborn mother?

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My kids make me notice pretty details; like Maceo stopping and staring, talking at the bees in the bushes for minutes. Without him I would just walk by and not notice them. Sometimes it’s just nice to stop and actually see the beauty in small things.

What are your struggles of being a mother?

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How do you find your me-time and how do you spend these hours/days?

Can you name four things that inspire you?