
Women who inspire us; Lois Kruidenier

A morning with Lois Kruidenier. We spoke with Lois about her work as a writer, motherhood and how it all started.
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Who is Lois Kruidenier?

Well, that's me! I am Lois, 31 years old, born and raised in Rotterdam and living in Schiedam with my husband and two daughters (Belle, 4 and Frida, 2) since 2018. I write and publish my own work. Last year I published my first poetry collection 'Open boek' and 'Laat mij maar even', a children's book about feelings, which became a huge success.

Can you tell us where and how you grew up?

I grew up in Rotterdam. I was born on the Kruiskade and brought up in Blijdorp, where I lived with my mom, dad and little sister in a three-room-apartment. I had a lovely childhood with some bumps and bruises on the way.

I am so grateful I can now spend every Sunday with my family.

Were did your love for writing came from?

I guess it was always there. From the moment I learned how to write, I started writing stories. I kept diaries, which were always filled with these melo-dramatic feelings I had, and I guess I just kept writing down those feelings and people started liking it, haha.

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What do you love most about what you do?

Ooo, everything. Damn, how i love what I do. I always had these jobs at bars and restaurants, which I liked, because they made it possible for me to direct the theatre plays I made in the past. But just a couple of weeks ago my husband and me were in the car, on a sunday, with our kids in the back. And i turned to him and I said: I am so grateful I can now spend every Sunday with my family. So that's what I love most, that I can work whenever I want and I can spend time with my loved ones whenever I want. My husband and me, we are both self-employed. Which has its risk, but we like to live a little risky, and besided risks it has so many benefits. Writing my books, publishing them together with my husband and selling them all by myself, everyday feels like an adventure really.

From who or what did you learnt the most?

Well, my kids ofcourse.

I am allowed to be both, a loving mother and a wild woman.
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What are you most proud of?

Well, my kids ofcourse. ;-)

What was your life like before becoming a mother?

Awesome. It was pretty awesome. And also sad. And dark. But awesome. It was doing whatever I wanted, without many responsibilities. It was making theatre, it was drinking, smoking, doing drugs, partying, falling in love, falling out of love, having sex, with lovers or strangers. It was heartbreak, it was freedom, it was empty and full at the same time. It was a very different life, but still, it was me, and I am still learning how to be a mother without completely losing the woman I was back then. Because I am allowed to be both, a loving mother and a wild woman.

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What would you like to teach your kids?

Selflove. Patience. Softness. Fierceness. Confidence. Curiosity. I guess all the stuff I am still teaching myself.

Name three things that make you truly happy?

A warm and sunny day. Family Days with a lot of Indonesian food. And the Efteling.


If you could wake up anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Right here, in my own bed next to my loving husband and kids. Because nothing is given in this life, and waking up in a safe country surrounded by your loved ones is a blessing in itself.

What’s your sleep ritual?

Washing my face, brushing my teeth, checking on the kids, tucking them in, kissing them on the face while trying very hard not to wake them and then getting under my lovely Crisp sheets.

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And what’s your morning ritual?

Coffee, coffee, coffee.

Name 3 bad habits?

Occasionally smoking, snacking before sleeping and unreasonable snapping when I'm stressed.

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What’s your favourite song?

I'm a Libra so I can never make a choice, but it always goes between Ancient Highway - Van Morisson, The Great Gig in the Sky - Pink Floyd and Teardrop - Massive Attack.
Maybe it's nice to share this playlist, it contains all my favorites of all time.

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Anything else you want to share with us?

Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from. And don't over-pluck your eyebrows.

Check out the amazing work of Lois Kruidenier

Location: Hotel Âme

Photography by Tessa Letort