Anna Van Den Bogert Website 31

Women who inspire us: Anna van den Bogert

We visited Anna van den Bogert, founder and creative soul behind Artipoppe. We spoke with Anna about her work, motherhood and what this all means to her.
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Who is Anna van den Bogert?

I am a human following my destiny. Technically, mother of four and spiritual leader of Artipoppe.

What is your background? Studies, former jobs where you learned things and skills that you apply on a daily base?

I think the fact that I didn't properly study but instead worked hard in any job that naturally crossed my path, formed me most. It has been a rocky road to finally have found my purpose and do something I truly love doing and feel means something to the world.

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Was there anyone in particular that you have learned a lot from? (Mentor)

I learn from within.

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Can you tell us how you started Artipoppe?

In the after hours, in the middle of my living room, all alone. By following my instincts and what the universe was telling me to do. Everything got together in a magnificent way and then there was Artipoppe.

Did you have to make any sacrifices to build your business?

I sacrificed my health more than I would have liked to, by ignoring the signs of the body and mind to take enough rest.

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You have quite a team of people working at Artipoppe; do you manage everyone by yourself? And if yes; how would you describe yourself as manager?

I manage the brand, Floris manages the people. I am a solist, I don't enjoy being around people or working together.

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You solely sell via Do you have any change of plans for the future in mind? Or does this work best for Artipoppe?

Considering my brand I am very possessive and haven't yet found the right partners for retail. Must they find me I am open to very selective retail options. For now we focus on extremely effective and qualitative worldwide shipping options, modern times don't necessarily require physical presence in a country to be able to reach the people.

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What is the best advice someone ever gave to you?

I found my life inspiration in Sextus Empiricus' philosophy.

You have 4 children; being an entrepreneur gives you flexibility, but the work hardly ever stops does it? What is your experience in combining your company and family time/life?

I think both motherhood and entrepreneurship request fulltime attention. It is impossible for me to combine them and be happy about the output I deliver in both. The only thought keeping me sane is the belief it is a good thing to work hard and my children hopefully will be inspired by my passion later in life.

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Can you tell us a little bit about your children and their personalities?

I am very privately about my children and would prefer for them to develop their personalities without any judgement from their mother on the internet for ever and always.

Has being a mother changed you? And if yes; can you tell us how?

Completely. I was a seeker before becoming a mother, now I have found confidence and almost peace.

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What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mother?

Motherhood opened the spiritual world to me.

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What is the most important lesson you want to teach your children?

That they are good as they are and should trust their instincts to lead them the way to their path.

Artipoppe started in the after hours, in the middle of my living room, all alone. By following my instincts and what the universe was telling me to do. Everything got together in a magnificent way and then there was Artipoppe.

How would you describe your home?

Fusion. I have a home with a soul rather than one styled for a magazine.

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You live in a renovated farm house, what made you choose this house?

I think we were meant to live in this house at this stage in life. So it was rather the feeling than rational contemplations that made us live here.

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Which room in your home is your favourite and why?

That must be a room that doesn't exist yet. A studio, filled with books, a giant table, comfortable sofa, many plants, an easel and music (and a lock on the door).

Can you name four things that make you truly happy?

Music, Nature, Fashion, Love.

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Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I love your sheets.

Photo credits: Tessa Letort

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