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Motherhood: Pien Stieglitz

Meet Pien Stieglitz, mother of Uma, founder and owner of fashion label Stieglitz. We spoke with Pien about motherhood, her label Stieglitz and how she combines entrepreneurship with a family

Can you tell us a little bit about your background?

I was born and raised in a small town east of Amsterdam as an only child. I grew up with my mother, who is a journalist, and the strongest woman I know. Now I live in Amsterdam with my beautiful 8-month old baby girl Uma, and partner Sam.

You are the founder and creative director of Stieglitz, can you tell us how it all started?

Fashion was not always my chosen path. I started out wanting to be an actress, so I went to an acting school. However, I was not having the time of my life and it didn't last long, so I decided to quit. I started to sort of try and figure out what keeps me on edge. I enjoy creating beautiful things, and I grew up seeing beautiful things around the world when I used to travel with my mom for her job. So I combined those two into my brand Stieglitz. That was 6 years ago and now I'm here.

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I enjoy creating beautiful things, and I grew up seeing beautiful things around the world when I used to travel with my mom for her job. So I combined those two into my brand Stieglitz.
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With Stieglitz you focus on every woman's uniqueness, individuality and independence, while being one. Why is this so important to you?

I think it's very important for women to know that they can just be. That they can show the world who they are. Women are insanely strong, beautiful beings. There are many ways we can show that, and I want to do it in the way that I do best, through my clothes.

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What's the best advice anyone ever gave to you?

It's not really an advice, but in my family we always say ‘In het verlangen ligt het genot’, which sort of translates to 'Joy lies in the longing'. It basically means to enjoy the present, while having things to expect in the future, things that you look forward to. That could be great plans, achievements, anything. I think that's beautiful.

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What are you most proud of?

My baby girl Uma, and my other baby Stieglitz.

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What do you like most of what you do?

Designing and styling. But above all, lifting other women up and giving them confidence through my clothes.

Has being a mother changed you? And if yes; can you tell us how?

Yes, in the very best way. I have much more appreciation for life and everything that I am blessed with. I have greater goals and drive at work to give my daughter the best life she can possibly get.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned from being a mother?

To always be patient.

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Best thing (s) about being a mother?

The unconditional love. I laugh so much. I love so much. I feel so much love for her it hurts.

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Least fun things about being a mother?

Not sleeping! And that overprotective fear for your child that you've had since day 1 of pregnancy.

Pien Aangepast

When are you most proud of Uma's Dad?

When he makes her laugh. Or when he comes home from work and she starts to giggle when she sees him. And when he talks about his DAUGHTER - so cool and heartwarming to hear!

The unconditional love. I laugh so much. I love so much. I feel so much love for her it hurts.

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Who is more strict in parenting?

Now obviously me because I know most about her – but I think that there will come a time when her dad will be stricter, haha.

How do you balance parenthood and quality time with your love?

Planning, planning, planning. It sounds horrible, but it gives you the most freedom, and freedom can give you space for fun and intimacy.

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What is the most important lesson you want to teach Uma?

To always be kind, and to be the person she wants to be. I will always support her in any way. And to believe in herself.

Do you have any advice/tips you would like to give a newborn mother?

I don't know if I'm who you should go to for that.. I eat my baby everyday.

What was your life like before being a mother?

Work, drinks, eating with friends, faraway getaways….. More sex.

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What defines you as a person?

The love and kindness I give to others, and the work that I do.

You have already accomplished a lot at a young age, what's your ultimate dream at this moment?

I want my company to flourish internationally, and for my daughter to flourish in good health. And for Stieglitz to have a headquarter abroad - we are a mostly online company, so why not?

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How would you describe your home?

Worlds colliding, colorful, earthy, hearty, family.

If you could wake up anywhere in the world, where would it be?


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Any bad habits?


New Addiction Kinder - Chocolate

Can you name four things that makes you truly happy?

Uma, the Sun. The smell of the rain and pine trees. The smell of bonfire. The smells of summer.. My love Sam. And my mom. Sorry I can't keep it to 4, I'm easy to please!

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Top 3 most annoying things?

Liars, slow people, and how much smartphones have taken over our lives!

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Favourite places in Amsterdam?

My neighborhood, Amstelveld, which is Amsterdam's best area ever, and my workspace.

Anything else you'd like to share with us?

To all women: You’ve got it all!